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Embed a custom plugin

In online classroom applications, some customization is often necessary to meet the needs of a particular scenario. Agora provides Widgets to help users develop plug-ins according to their specific needs and embed them into Flexible Classroom.

Widgets are stand-alone plugins that contain interface and functionality. Developers can implement a widget based on customization of the base class, and then register the widget in the Agora Classroom SDK. Agora Classroom SDK supports registering multiple widgets. Widgets can communicate with other widgets, as well as with other plugins in the UI layer.

Implement a custom plugin

This section uses the cloud disk plug-in as an example to introduce the basic steps of implementing a custom plug-in through Widget, and embedding the plug-in in Flexible Classroom. The complete code can be viewed in the CloudClass-Android repository.

  1. Define the class

    class FCRCloudDiskWidget : AgoraBaseWidget() {
    override val tag = "AgoraEduNetworkDiskWidget"
    private var cloudDiskContent: AgoraEduCloudDiskWidgetContent? = null
    // Initialize Widget
    // Add your custom UI layout to the container here
    override fun init(container: ViewGroup) {
    _29 {
    widgetInfo?.let {
    // Instantiate content and add CloudDisk view to container
    cloudDiskContent = AgoraEduCloudDiskWidgetContent(container, it)
    // Release used resources
    override fun release() {
    // The content class is only for encapsulation of the code.
    // Functional details are placed in the content.
    private inner class AgoraEduCloudDiskWidgetContent(val container: ViewGroup, val widgetInfo: AgoraWidgetInfo) {

    The complete code can be viewed in the CloudClass-Android repository.

  2. Configure the plugin in to register it with the Agora Classroom SDK

    private fun configPublicCourseware(launchConfig: AgoraEduLaunchConfig) {
    val courseware0 = CoursewareUtil.transfer(DefaultPublicCoursewareJson.data0)
    val courseware1 = CoursewareUtil.transfer(DefaultPublicCoursewareJson.data1)
    val publicCoursewares = ArrayList<AgoraEduCourseware>(2)
    // custom data for map structure
    val cloudDiskExtra = mutableMapOf<String, Any>()
    cloudDiskExtra[publicResourceKey] = publicCoursewares
    cloudDiskExtra[configKey] = Pair(launchConfig.appId, launchConfig.userUuid)
    val widgetConfigs = mutableListOf<AgoraWidgetConfig>()
    // Instantiate widgetConfig and add it to widgetConfig collection
    AgoraWidgetConfig(widgetClass =, widgetId =,
    extraInfo = cloudDiskExtra)
    // Copy widgetConfigs into the SDK's startup parameters.
    // After calling launch, Smart Class will pass widgetConfigs to internal to complete the registration.
    launchConfig.widgetConfigs = widgetConfigs

  3. Instantiate and initialize the widget

    // Add an AgoraWidgetActiveObserver through widgetContext.addWidgetActiveObserver
    // to monitor the activation and deregistration of the Widget
    private val widgetActiveObserver = object : AgoraWidgetActiveObserver {
    override fun onWidgetActive(widgetId: String) {
    override fun onWidgetInActive(widgetId: String) {
    private fun createWidget(widgetId: String) {
    if (teachAidWidgets.contains(widgetId)) {
    AgoraLog?.w("$tag->'$widgetId' is already created, can not repeat create!")
    AgoraLog?.w("$tag->create teachAid that of '$widgetId'")
    // Here, the previously registered widgetConfigs are searched by widgetId
    val widgetConfig = eduContext?.widgetContext()?.getWidgetConfig(widgetId)
    widgetConfig?.let { config ->
    // Take widgetClass from widgetConfig and instantiate a Widget object instance through reflection
    val widget = eduContext?.widgetContext()?.create(config)
    widget?.let {
    AgoraLog?.w("$tag->successfully created '$widgetId'")
    when (widgetId) {
    _90 -> {
    (it as? AgoraCountDownWidget)?.getWidgetMsgObserver()?.let { observer ->
    eduContext?.widgetContext()?.addWidgetMessageObserver(observer, widgetId)
    _90 -> {
    (it as? AgoraIClickerWidget)?.getWidgetMsgObserver()?.let { observer ->
    eduContext?.widgetContext()?.addWidgetMessageObserver(observer, widgetId)
    _90 -> {
    (it as? AgoraVoteWidget)?.getWidgetMsgObserver()?.let { observer ->
    eduContext?.widgetContext()?.addWidgetMessageObserver(observer, widgetId)
    // record widget
    teachAidWidgets[widgetId] = widget
    // Create widgetContainer and bind to root Container
    val widgetContainer = managerWidgetsContainer(allWidgetsContainer = binding.root, widgetId = widgetId)
    AgoraLog?.i("$tag->successfully created '$widgetId' container")
    widgetContainer?.let { group ->
    AgoraLog?.w("$tag->initialize '$widgetId'")
    // Initialize the Widget
    private fun destroyWidget(widgetId: String) {
    // remove from map
    val widget = teachAidWidgets.remove(widgetId)
    // remove UIDataProviderListener
    when (widgetId) {
    _90 -> {
    (widget as? AgoraTeachAidCountDownWidget)?.getWidgetMsgObserver()?.let { observer ->
    eduContext?.widgetContext()?.removeWidgetMessageObserver(observer, widgetId)
    _90 -> {
    (widget as? AgoraTeachAidIClickerWidget)?.getWidgetMsgObserver()?.let { observer ->
    eduContext?.widgetContext()?.removeWidgetMessageObserver(observer, widgetId)
    _90 -> {
    (widget as? AgoraTeachAidVoteWidget)?.getWidgetMsgObserver()?.let { observer ->
    eduContext?.widgetContext()?.removeWidgetMessageObserver(observer, widgetId)
    _90 -> {
    (widget as? AgoraTeachAidVoteWidget)?.getWidgetMsgObserver()?.let { observer ->
    eduContext?.widgetContext()?.removeWidgetMessageObserver(observer, widgetId)
    widget?.let {
    _90 { it.release() }
    it.container?.let { group ->
    managerWidgetsContainer(binding.root, widgetId, group)

API Reference

AgoraBaseWidget class

// Widget base class
abstract class AgoraBaseWidget {
// The parent layout of the current Widget
var container: ViewGroup? = null
// Information about the current widget
var widgetInfo: AgoraWidgetInfo? = null
// Initialize the current widget
// @param container The parent layout of the current Widget
open fun init(container: ViewGroup) {
this.container = container
// position and size ratio information of the current Widget to the remote
// @param frame The position and size ratio information of the current Widget
// @param contextCallback callback listener for synchronous operations
protected fun updateSyncFrame(frame: AgoraWidgetFrame, contextCallback: EduContextCallback<Unit>? = null) {
// @param properties Map of custom room properties in the Widget to be updated.
// Need to pass the full path: "a.b.c.d": value
// @param cause custom update reason
// @param contextCallback callback listener for update operations
protected fun updateRoomProperties(
properties: MutableMap<String, Any>,
cause: MutableMap<String, Any>,
contextCallback: EduContextCallback<Unit>? = null
) {
// @param keys The set of key values ​​for custom user properties in the widget that needs to be deleted.
// Need to pass the full path: a.b.c.d
// @param cause custom delete reason
// @param contextCallback callback listener for delete operation
protected fun deleteRoomProperties(
keys: MutableList<String>,
cause: MutableMap<String, Any>,
contextCallback: EduContextCallback<Unit>? = null
) {
// @param properties Map of custom user properties within the Widget to be updated. Need to pass the full path: "a.b.c.d": value
// @param cause custom update reason
// @param contextCallback callback listener for update operations
protected fun updateUserProperties(
properties: MutableMap<String, Any>,
cause: MutableMap<String, Any>,
contextCallback: EduContextCallback<Unit>? = null
) {
// @param keys The set of key values ​​for custom user properties in the widget that needs to be deleted. Need to pass the full path: a.b.c.d
// @param cause custom delete reason
// @param contextCallback callback listener for delete operation
protected fun deleteUserProperties(
keys: MutableList<String>,
cause: MutableMap<String, Any>,
contextCallback: EduContextCallback<Unit>? = null
) {
// Send messages from inside the Widget to the outside
protected fun sendMessage(message: String) {
// Widget's position and size changed
// @params frame Widget position and size scale information
open fun onSyncFrameUpdated(frame: AgoraWidgetFrame) {
// Receive messages from outside the widget. The message comes from sendMessageToWidget in widgetContext
open fun onMessageReceived(message: String) {
// Callback for the update of local user information
open fun onLocalUserInfoUpdated(info: AgoraWidgetUserInfo) {
widgetInfo?.let {
// Callback when room information is updated
open fun onRoomInfoUpdated(info: AgoraWidgetRoomInfo) {
widgetInfo?.let {
// Callback for when the custom room property in the widget is updated
open fun onWidgetRoomPropertiesUpdated(properties: MutableMap<String, Any>, cause: MutableMap<String, Any>?, keys: MutableList<String>) {
// Callback when custom room property in Widget is deleted
open fun onWidgetRoomPropertiesDeleted(properties: MutableMap<String, Any>, cause: MutableMap<String, Any>?, keys: MutableList<String>) {
// Callback for when custom local user properties in Widget are updated
open fun onWidgetUserPropertiesUpdated(properties: MutableMap<String, Any>,
cause: MutableMap<String, Any>?,
keys: MutableList<String>) {
// The callback for the deletion of the custom local user attribute in the Widget
open fun onWidgetUserPropertiesDeleted(properties: MutableMap<String, Any>,
cause: MutableMap<String, Any>?,
keys: MutableList<String>) {
// Release resources
open fun release() {

AgoraWidgetContext interface

// WidgetContext capability interface
interface AgoraWidgetContext {
// Create a Widget object instance
// @param config The configuration information of this Widget object
// @return Widget instance, if it is empty, it means the creation failed
fun create(config: AgoraWidgetConfig): AgoraBaseWidget?
// Get the current position and size ratio information of the Widget
// @param widgetId Widget's unique identifier
// @return widget's current position and scale information. The benchmark of the ratio needs to be unified by the developers themselves.
fun getWidgetSyncFrame(widgetId: String): AgoraWidgetFrame?
// Get the configuration information of all registered widgets
fun getWidgetConfigs(): MutableList<AgoraWidgetConfig>
// Get the configuration information of a registered widget
// @param widgetId Widget's unique identifier
fun getWidgetConfig(widgetId: String): AgoraWidgetConfig?
// Activate a widget.
// After the operation is successful, you will receive a callback from AgoraWidgetActiveObserver.onWidgetActive
// @param widgetId Widget's unique identifier
// @param ownerUserUuid The userUuid of the user who owns the currently activated Widget
// @param roomProperties initialized room properties
// @param callback The callback listener for the activation operation
fun setWidgetActive(widgetId: String, ownerUserUuid: String? = null,
roomProperties: Map<String, Any>? = null,
callback: EduContextCallback<Unit>? = null)
// Log out the specified Widget
// @param widgetId Widget's unique identifier
// @param isRemove Whether to completely delete all the information of this Widget in the current classroom:
// - true: delete completely. All information under roomProperties.widgets.'widgetId' and userProperties.widgets.'widgetId' will be deleted
// - false: Only set roomProperties.widgets.'widgetId'.state to '0', that is, set the current Widget to inactive state.
// No matter what value is passed, you will receive the AgoraWidgetActiveObserver.onWidgetInActive callback.
// @param callback callback listener for logout operation
fun setWidgetInActive(widgetId: String, isRemove: Boolean = false, callback: EduContextCallback<Unit>? = null)
// Get the activation state of a widget
// @param widgetId Widget's unique identifier
fun getWidgetActive(widgetId: String): Boolean
// Get the activation status of all registered widgets
// @param widgetId Widget's unique identifier
fun getAllWidgetActive(): Map<String, Boolean>
// Add an AgoraWidgetActiveObserver listener to monitor whether the Widget is active
fun addWidgetActiveObserver(observer: AgoraWidgetActiveObserver, widgetId: String)
// Remove an AgoraWidgetActiveObserver listener
fun removeWidgetActiveObserver(observer: AgoraWidgetActiveObserver, widgetId: String)
// Add an AgoraWidgetMessageObserver listener to listen for all messages sent by this Widget
fun addWidgetMessageObserver(observer: AgoraWidgetMessageObserver, widgetId: String)
// Remove an AgoraWidgetMessageObserver listener
fun removeWidgetMessageObserver(observer: AgoraWidgetMessageObserver, widgetId: String)
// Send a message to a widget
fun sendMessageToWidget(msg: String, widgetId: String)

Type definition

// Widget configuration class
data class AgoraWidgetConfig(
// The custom Widget class corresponding to this WidgetId
var widgetClass: Class<out AgoraBaseWidget>,
// Unique identifier for the current Widget
var widgetId: String,
// The icon in the unselected (default or inactive) state
val image: Int? = null,
// The icon in the selected or activated state
val selectedImage: Int? = null,
// Custom data, which is passed to AgoraWidgetInfo.extraInfo after Widget is instantiated
var extraInfo: Any? = null
// Widget information class
data class AgoraWidgetInfo(
var roomInfo: AgoraWidgetRoomInfo,
var localUserInfo: AgoraWidgetUserInfo,
// Unique identifier for the current Widget
val widgetId: String,
// Custom data passed in externally
val extraInfo: Any?,
// custom room properties in the current widget
var roomProperties: MutableMap<String, Any>?,
// Custom local user properties in the current Widget
var localUserProperties: MutableMap<String, Any>?
// Widget's position and size ratio information class
data class AgoraWidgetFrame(
val x: Float? = null,
val y: Float? = null,
val width: Float? = null,
val height: Float? = null
// User information class in Widget
data class AgoraWidgetUserInfo(
val userUuid: String,
val userName: String,
val userRole: Int
// Room information class in Widget
data class AgoraWidgetRoomInfo(
val roomUuid: String,
val roomName: String,
val roomType: Int
