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Migration guide

This page shows you how to upgrade to the latest version of Flexible Classroom.

Migrate from v1.1.5 to v2.1.0

In v2.1.0, Agora fully optimizes the internal architecture of the Agora Classroom SDK and refactors the Agora Edu Context APIs.

This section lists the major changes of the Edu Context API between v2.1.0 and v1.1.5.

Chat context

Remove ChatContext and IChatHandler.

Whiteboard context

Remove WhiteboardContext and IWhiteboardHandler. In v2.1.0, the whiteboard feature is implemented in AgoraUIKit.

Device context

Remove DeviceContext and IDeviceHandler. Use methods and callbacks in MediaContext and IMediaHandler instead, as follows:

  • Remove getDeviceConfig. Use getLocalDeviceState instead.
  • Remove setCameraDeviceEnable, switchCameraFacing, setMicDeviceEnable, and setSpeakerEnable. Use openSystemDevice and closeSystemDevice instead.
  • Remove setDeviceLifecycle. In v2.1.0, the SDK does not maintain the device state.
  • Remove onCameraDeviceEnableChanged, onCameraFacingChanged, onMicDeviceEnabledChanged, and onSpeakerEnabledChanged. Use onLocalDeviceStateUpdated instead.
  • Remove onDeviceTips.

Hands-up context

Remove HandsUpContext and IHandsUpHandler. Use methods and callbacks in UserContext and IUserHandler instead, as follows:

  • Remove performHandsUp. Use handsWave and handsDown instead.
  • Remove onHandsUpEnabled. Use onHandsWaveEnabled instead.
  • Remove onHandsUpStateUpdatedand onHandsUpStateResultUpdated. Use onUserHandsWave and onUserHandsDown instead.
  • Remove onHandsUpTips.

Room context

  • Remove roomInfo. Use getRoomInfo instead.
  • Remove leave. Use leaveRoom instead.
  • Move uploadLog to MonitorContext.
  • Remove updateFlexRoomProps. Use updateRoomProperties and deleteRoomProperties instead.
  • Rename joinClassroom as joinRoom.
  • Remove onClassroomName. You can call getRoomInfo to get the room name.
  • Rename onClassState as onClassStateUpdated.
  • Remove onClassTime.
  • Remove onNetworkStateChanged. Use onLocalNetworkQualityUpdated in IMonitorHandler instead.
  • Remove onLogUploaded. You can get the log serailNumber with the callback function in the uploadLog method in MonitorContext.
  • Remove onConnectionStateChanged. Use onLocalConnectionUpdated in IMonitorHandler instead.
  • Remove onClassTip.
  • Remove onFlexRoomPropsInitialized. To get room custom properties after joining the room, you can call getRoomProperties.
  • Remove onFlexRoomPropsChanged. Use onRoomPropertiesUpdated and onRoomPropertiesDeleted instead.
  • Remove onError.
  • Remove onClassroomJoinSuccess and onClassroomJoinFail. Use callback in joinRoom instead.
  • Remove onClassroomLeft. Use onRoomClosed instead.

Screen-sharing context

  • Remove ScreenShareContext. Use StreamContext instead. When videoSourceType in AgoraEduContextStreamInfo is Screen, you can regard this stream as a screen-sharing video stream.
  • Remove IScreenShareHandler. Use IStreamHandler instead. Remove onUpdateScreenShareState. Use onStreamJoined, onStreamLeft, and onStreamUpdated in IStreamHandler instead.

User context

  • Remove localUserInfo. Use getLocalUserInfo instead.
  • Remove muteVideo and muteAudio. Use muteStreams in StreamContext instead.
  • Remove renderVideo. Use startRenderLocalVideo and startRenderRemoteVideo in MediaContext instead.
  • Remove updateFlexUserProps. Use updateUserProperties and deleteUserProperties instead.
  • Remove setVideoEncoderConfig. Use setLocalVideoConfig in StreamContext instead.
  • Remove onUserListUpdated. Us getAllUserList and getUserList in UserContext and onRemoteUserJoined, onRemoteUserLeft, and onUserUpdated in UserHandler instead.
  • Remove onCoHostListUpdated. Use onCoHostUserListAdded and onCoHostUserListRemoved instead. You can also get the information of all on-stage users through getCoHostList in UserContext.
  • Rename onUserReward to onUserRewarded.
  • Rename onKickOut as onLocalUserKickedOut.
  • Remove onUserTip and onRoster.
  • Remove onFlexUserPropsChanged. Use onUserPropertiesUpdated and onUserPropertiesDeleted in IUserHandler instead. You can also get custom user properties through getUserProperties in UserContext.