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How does Flexible Classroom support multiple languages?

Flexible Classroom currently supports Chinese, English, and Spanish. If you need to add more languages, find the language-related key value in the specified directory and modify it.

Multilingual configuration on Web

In the source code, the Classroom SDK and Proctor SDK, referred to as main SDKs, and plugins, including clicker, countdown, voter, and the ring letter IM module, have their own separate multi-language files. The specific modification method is as follows:

  • Main SDKs:

    1. Add the corresponding language file in the TypeScript format under packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/translate. The file name must be unique. For example:


    2. Add the corresponding code in packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/api/index.tsx:


      For example, if you want to add Japanese, add a jpn.ts file under packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/translate and addResourceBundle('jp', jp); to packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/api/index.tsx file.

      The parameters of addResourceBundle() should be unique and easy to match with a language.

  • Plugins:

    1. Add a folder with an index.ts language file to packages/agora-plugin-gallery/src/gallery/answer/i18n. The folder name must be unique. For example:


    2. Add a line of declaration and a line of corresponding code in packages/agora-plugin-gallery/src/gallery/answer/i18n/config.ts:


      For example, if you need to add Japanese, add a jp folder with the index.ts file under packages/agora-plugin-gallery/src/gallery/answer/i18n and then import jp from './jp'; declaration and addResourceBundle(jp", jp); to packages/agora-plugin-gallery/src/gallery/answer/i18n/config.ts.

      The parameters of addResourceBundle() should be unique and easy to match with a language.

Multilingual configuration on Android

Add a directory for the corresponding language with a string.xml file inside to the following directories. The folder name must be unique.

  • /AgoraClassSDK/src/main/res
  • /AgoraEduUIKit/src/main/res

For example, if you want to add Japanese, add a value-jp folder, which contains a strings.xml file.

Multilingual configuration on iOS

  1. Under others directory, copy an existing language directory, for example, en.Iproj, and rename it to correspond to the new language, for example, jp.Iproj. The folder name must be unique and easy to match with a language, and the suffix must be .lproj.
  2. Replace all strings in the Localizable.strings file under value directory with values corresponding to the new language.

Before entering the room, AgoraUIBaseViews sets the agora_ui_language pointer of the global variable to the directory name corresponding to the new language.
